thermo-, therm-, thermi-, -thermia, -therm, -thermal, -thermic, -thermias, -thermies, -thermous, -thermy

(Greek: heat, heating, heater, hot, warm)

The term heat is employed in ordinary language in different senses. Some scientists distinguish four principal applications of the term:

  1. Sensation of heat.
  2. Temperature, or degree of hotness.
  3. Quantity of thermal energy.
  4. Radiant heat, or energy of radiation.

In physics, having greater energy than that associated with thermal excitations.
1. Having the same temperature.
2. An isotherm connecting places having the same temperature at the same moment of time.
Involving both tectonism (movement of the earth's crust) and geothermal activity.
1. A thermograph that is electrically recorded at a distance.
2, A self-registering telethermometer.
telethermograph, telethermography
1. A record of fluctuations of temperature made automatically at a distant station.
2. An instrument, usually electrical, making such long-distance records.
1. Any of various thermometers that indicate or record temperatures at a distance, usually by means of an electric current.
2. An apparatus for determining temperature on which the reading is made at a distance from the object or subject being studied.
An apparatus for indicating or recording the temperatures of distant or inaccessible locations.
A unit of heat used indiscriminately for: (1) a small calorie, (2) a large calorie, (3) 1,000 large calories, (4) 100,000 British thermal units.
1. The elevation of body temperature by drug action.
2. The property of a drug to elevate the temperature of the body.
A plant existing in hot springs.
A town with warm springs on the north coast of Sicily (now Termini).
thermaerotherapy (s) (noun), thermaerotherapies (pl)
Medical treatment with the application of hot air: Dr. Good told Jean that a thermaerotherapy, or the therapeutic use of hot air, would be excellent for curing her ailment.
thermaesthesia, thermesthesia (s) (noun); thermaesthesias; thermesthesias (pl)
1. Sensitivity to heat: Laura’s extreme thermaesthesia made it necessary for her to stay in the shade whenever possible while she was outside in warm weather.
2. The ability to distinguish differences of temperature: As part of his science experiment, Noland learned to measure thermaesthesia in different animals.
3. A feeling in the body which recognizes heat and cold sensations: When Jason is either sweating or shivering, he is experiencing thermaesthesia.
The spot extermination of termites using high heat.

Either the whole house or a single area may be heated to 150 degrees and more.

—"A Form of Extermination for Termintes", The Atlantic Monthly,
August, 1994, page 100.

There is little scientific data on freezing and heating methods and both have drawbacks. Heating or thermagation is a non-chemical possibility but it can damage furniture, cosmetics, computers, tapes, CDs, foods, and any object that cannot withstand 140 to 150 degrees Fahrenheit; all must be removed from the premises and the price often is higher than fumigation.

Freezing uses liquid nitrogen to kill termites. It has proven to be an excellent non-toxic remedy in localized situations, but it is not particularly recommended for large areas.

Holes are drilled into the walls and liquid nitrogen under pressure is applied through the holes. Termites are 90 percent water and the nitrogen freezes them and they burst.

thermal (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Relating to or involving heat or changes in heat: The family was interested in thermal insulation when building their new home.
2. Of, pertaining to, or of the nature of hot springs; of a spring, etc., (naturally) hot or warm: When staying at the spa town, Jill wanted to go to the thermal baths which contained warm water from the nearby hot springs.
3. Regarding clothes designed to keep a person warm in cold weather: Lynn bought a thermal coat before she went to see her family in Toronto for Christmas.
4. Of or pertaining to heat; determined, measured, caused, or operated by heat: Virginia bought a thermal blanket which provided lots of warmth when plugged into a socket and switching on.

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Related "heat, hot" word units: ferv-; pyreto-.

Related "bubble" word unit: ebulli-.